
Mount Prau 2D1N Exclusive Camping Tour

Mount Prau 2D1N Exclusive Camping Tour   This service is a way to enjoy the nature of Mount Prau with better and easier facilities, so that customers feel more comfortable enjoying nature. The facilities we provide will certainly be much different from ordinary camping facilities, because we really understand the needs for outdoor activities. Customers also don't need to bother carrying quite heavy equipment, because all the equipment will be prepared by our team, including cleaning when the event is over. This facility also combines tourist activities by visiting several tourist attractions in Dieng in two days and one night, so that customers who have a short holiday can still get lots of different adventure experiences. Included facilities : a. private shuttle transportation b. camping tent c. thick sleeping bag d. thick air mattress & pillow e. tables and chairs f. toilet tent g. headlamp h. tent lights i. hiking poles j. complete cooking utensils k. complete eating & d
 Mount Ungaran    Located to the south of Semarang, stands an active mountain with a height of 2050m above sea level, known as Mount Ungaran. This place offers extraordinarily beautiful views with main views of volcanic mountains, large lakes and also the sea. Mountains that can be seen from Ungaran include: Mount Prau, Sindoro, Sumbing, Merapi, Merbabu, Lawu and Muria, as well as a row of beautiful hills around the foot of the mountain. The lake that can be seen from the peak is Rowo Pening Lake, and the sea that can be seen is the northern Java Sea.   Even though it has a much lower altitude than the others, getting to the top takes quite a long time, namely 6-9 hours, depending on the route chosen for the climb. So it requires serious preparation so that the trip always runs smoothly without obstacles. Routes that can be chosen include: Rose route, Gedong Songo, Promoasan and Parantunan.   The beauty of the surrounding nature cannot be denied, because climbers will be pampered by mo
 Mount Slamet   This mountain occupies the highest position in Central Java and is the second highest mountain on the island of Java after Semeru, with the highest point reaching 3428m above sea level. As the highest mountain, it certainly has its own challenges in getting to the top.   This mountain is also very active, so the smoke from the crater is very clear from afar. This is due to the activity of a very strong and large crater, which is located right on top of the mountain.   Mount Slamet is also very famous among climbers and natural explorers, because they are very challenged to try and it is a satisfaction in itself if they succeed in getting to the peak.   The time required is also quite long, around 8-12 hours to reach the highest point and has 9 posts, so that everyone who climbs will spend the night in a tent before hunting for the golden sunrise from the peak. The paths traversed are also varied, starting with residents' agricultural gardens, resin forests, mountain
 Mount Lawu   This mountain is an active stratos type volcano which is on the border of Central Java and East Java provinces and is divided into three districts, namely Karang Anyar in Central Java, Ngawi and Magetan in East Java which has a height of 3265m above sea level and is the third highest mountain in Java. middle . To reach the top of the mountain, there are several routes you can choose from, including: Cemoro Sewu, Cemoro Kunci, Cetho Temple and several other routes. However, the route is a favorite of climbers, they prefer Cemoro Sewu as an option.   The Cemoro Sewu route takes a shorter time than other routes, which can be taken in 6-8 hours to get to the highest peak, namely Hargodumilah Peak.   The majority of climbers decide to camp out to explore this mountain, because the peak of Mount Lawu is very wide and beautiful, of course it will require a lot of stamina and enough time to be able to explore every corner. There are three peaks that offer different views, namely
 Mount Merbabu   This mountain has extraordinary exotic views and is a mountain that has the largest savanna among mountains in Indonesia.   This mountain is also very close to Mount Merapi and is an idol for climbers, because the path it traverses can be said to be quite friendly. Yups, along the route, you will find sloping and steep paths, allowing climbers to recharge their energy on their way to the peak.   The highest point is at the top of the triangulation, which is recorded at 3145m above sea level. However, the most popular point is the peak of Kenteng Songo. From these two peaks, you will be treated to views of the rows of active mountains in Central Java, even several mountains in East Java if the weather is clear.   Camping is the right choice to enjoy the natural scenery here, because it would be a shame if you only spent a short time on Mount Merbabu.   There are several routes that can be chosen which of course have different levels of adventure, including: the Selo, We
Mount Sumbing   For mountain climbers and nature explorers, Mount Sumbing is one of the priority destinations. This mountain has a height of 3371m above sea level, which is the second highest peak in Central Java, and is the third highest peak on the island of Java. It is not surprising that every weekend many climbers come, because they are very enthusiastic about being able to reach the highest peak.   It is not easy to climb this mountain, because the route is dominated by long climbs and only a few points are slightly sloping. So physical and mental preparation absolutely must be prepared.   Actually there are many routes to get to the top of Mount Sumbing, but the most popular is the Garung Reco route. Because this route is the easiest to reach by public transportation and has more complete basecamp facilities. If you climb this route, the total distance covered is around 9 km to the peak of Buntu or the peak of the crater, and another 800m to reach the highest peak known as Punca
 Mount Sindoro   This mountain is an active volcano of the Stratos type, where the crater is right at the peak. The activity of this mountain is very clear and strong, this can be seen from the smoke that rises from a distance.   Territorially, this mountain is divided into two districts, namely Wonosobo and Temanggung districts and is flanked by two other mountains, namely Mount Sumbing, Kembang and Prau.   This mountain is also very exotic to explore, because it has a more challenging route, more charming views, cool air that is far from pollution. So many tourists come from the city to enjoy the freshness and natural beauty around this mountain.   To reach the top, there are several routes that have been prepared for climbers. However, the most popular are the Kledung and Sigedang routes. Where each path has advantages and disadvantages.   If you want a lighter route and more beautiful views, it is best to take the Sigedang route. Yups, the Sigedang route is the prettiest route to t